HRC Language Reference

 12 January 2010

This version:
take5.be5 (rev2): 12 January 2010
(Available as
HTML, PDF, DocBook)
Previous versions:
take5.be5: 26 April 2007
take5.beta4: 28 April 2005
take5.beta4(draft): 19 February 2005
take5.beta3: 30 January 2004
take5.beta2: 12 September 2003
take5.beta1: 30 March 2003
take5.alpha3: 1 March 2003
take5.alpha2: 30 January 2003
Igor Russkih  
Anatoly Techtonik  


This reference describes HRC language, used in Colorer-take5 Library to define and represent syntax and lexical structure of various programming languages. These syntax definitions are used by library to parse and colorize text in editors and other software.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Basics
2.1. Syntax processing overview
2.2. HRC syntax components
2.3. File Types
2.4. Namespaces
3. Scheme syntax
3.1. Keyword lists
3.2. Regular Expressions
3.3. Block context switch
3.4. Scheme boundaries and priority
4. Inter-scheme links
4.1. Inheritance
4.2. Scheme substitutions
5. HRC Language Features and Conventions
5.1. Elements naming
5.2. Default package feature
5.3. Coding Recommendations


A. Regular Expressions syntax
1. Introduction
2. Syntax
3. Metacharacters
4. Extended metacharacters
5. Operators
6. Extended operators
7. Examples
B. Format of catalog.xml file
C. Format of HRD color schemes
D. XML Schema for HRC Language
E. History of the changes

When Colorer starts it reads available HRC files to know what syntax highlight rules are available and to which files they apply to. HRC file usually contains rules to colorize specific content type. Each of these rules is called "scheme" and is defined by XML <scheme> element. Content types are defined with XML <type> element with "name" attribute (such as <type name="python">). Schemes for this content type are placed inside of <type>. HRC syntax allows several <type> elements in HRC file, but usually only one is included. When colorer knows which type to apply to the given content it starts processing with <scheme> element that that has the same name as enclosed type (i.e. <scheme name="python"> will be the "main() function" for the python <type> above).
Matching <type> to content is made using information from <prototype> element that contains filename masks and content tests (see below). HRC is very flexible in layout, and for convenience all prototypes are extracted into main proto.hrc file.
Structure.  Each HRC file contains either several language prototypes or one language type. XML content starts with root <hrc> element, which contains all other HRC definitions.
Root of the HRC file XML structure.
Attribute: version, type: xs:NMTOKEN
Specifies version of HRC language. For example, 'take5' for Colorer-take5.
Element: annotation
Defines formal documentation for the HRC language elements.
Element: prototype
Defines prototype of single target programming language.
Element: package
Defines prototype of the defined file type, but use this type as an internal hidden package structure.
Element: type
Language container, used to store all parser specific information.
Every bit of HRC is either XML element or attribute. You can find formal definition of the HRC XML syntax in Appendix D, XML Schema for HRC Language. For instance, all HRC files start with the syntax similar to following:
Each element in HRC can be documented with XML Schema-like
Defines formal documentation for the HRC language elements.
Element: appinfo
Formal annotation part, used for tools processing.
Element: documentation
Human documentation part.
Element: contributors
Contribute information part.
Annotations can be used anywhere in HRC file to describe and document syntax elements.
Defines prototype of single target programming language. This prototype must have name, equals to real type, defined in the linked resource.
Attribute: name, type: xs:NCName
Common internal name of this language type. Must be valid XML non-qualified name.
Attribute: description, type: xs:string
User description, used to represent language in target IDE.
Attribute: group, type: xs:Name
Group of languages, this language belongs to.
Attribute: targetNamespace, type: xs:anyURI
Applicable to the XML group of languages. Specifies namespace, this HRC file describing. Allows automatically linking and combining different XML languages in HRC.
Element: annotation
Defines formal documentation for the HRC language elements.
Element: location
Points to the location of a HRC file with this language description.
Element: filename
Defines Regular Expression, used to identify programming language by its file name.
Element: firstline
Defines Regular Expression, used to identify programming language by its starting content.
Element: parameters
Custom parameters, used to specify additional properties of this language type.
If language is not specified explicitly library needs to detect it to start syntax highlighting process. This is the purpose of <firstline> and <filename> parameters. Each matched instance of one of these parameters adds additional weight to the language. Default amount of points added can be specified explicitly with weight attribute of these elements. When all weights are calculated, the first language with maximum weight is selected to highlight the file.
Defines Regular Expression, used to identify programming language by its file name. This can include file's extension or some more complex dependencies.
Attribute: weight, type: xs:decimal, default: 2
This attribute defines weight, added to the total language weight, when choosing one from a list of available.
Defines Regular Expression, used to identify programming language by its starting content. First line can be used, or some small part of text. This entry has less default weight against filename one.
Attribute: weight, type: xs:decimal, default: 1
This attribute defines weight, added to the total language weight, when choosing one from a list of available.
If any of these two elements is used more than once, each matched instance adds specified amount to the total weight of a language.
Actual language definition can be separated from its prototype and placed into other file (or resource). In this case <location> element specifies where to find the definition. The file or resource specified will not be loaded until language matches and is selected for highlightning process.
Points to the location of a HRC file with this language description. Link is a well formed URI address of the requested HRC file. This location can be relative to the current location of the parent type, or absolute (with URI schemas, supported by library). If URI schema is absent, 'file://' is assumed.
Attribute: link, type: xs:anyURI
Custom parameters, used to specify additional properties of this language type. These can include different language resources (icons, templates and so on). Also these parameters could be referenced from schema declaration, this allows to customize schemes loading process.
Element: param
Single parameter [name,value] pair.
Some syntax rules are common across various languages and it makes sense to define them separately and reference from other definitions. These definitions will not be visible to end users, so they can be thought of as "internal types". Such internal types are represented by <package> element:
Defines prototype of the defined file type, but use this type as an internal hidden package structure.
Attribute: name, type: xs:NCName
Common internal name of this package. Must be valid XML non-qualified name.
Attribute: description, type: xs:string
User description, used to represent package in target IDE.
Attribute: targetNamespace, type: xs:anyURI
Applicable to the XML group of languages. Specifies namespace, this HRC file describing. Allows automatically linking and combining different XML languages in HRC.
Element: annotation
Defines formal documentation for the HRC language elements.
Element: location
Points to the location of a HRC file with this language description.
This element doesn't contain <filename> or <firstline> properties, because it doesn't directly map to any type of file or language. In everything else its behaviour is identical to <prototype> element. Packages can be found in any HRC file including proto.hrc. For example:
Type is a formal definition of a language. It is normally contained in a separate file, which is referenced by <location> element of language prototype. <type> element is the starting point for parsing process, which holds syntax specific information.
Language container, used to store all parser specific information. These defines are used by parser to analyze and colorize target text data.
Attribute: name, type: xs:NCName
HRC Language type name.
Element: annotation
Defines formal documentation for the HRC language elements.
Element: import
External type import statement.
Element: region
Definition of basic syntax region - text range with assigned syntax meaning.
Element: entity
HRC Entity definition.
Element: scheme
HRC scheme is a basic unit, which represents some fixed set of lexemes, tokens and syntax regions (lexical context).
Normally, each type is defined in a separate file, which may optionally contain corresponding prototype (if there is no prototype definition in the global repository).
An element can be referenced from the other type with its fully qualified name in form of typename:elementname. Sometimes there are a lot of inter-type links and use of qualified names can become a tedious task. To make the job easier HRC language has <import> statement. It 'imports' all element names from other type into the current. There can be as many import statements as needed. Unqualified names are resolved in order of their definition.
External type import statement. This statement imports all definitions from the specified type into the current one, so you can use them without explicit type qualifier.
Attribute: type, type: xs:NCName
For instance, you can write
  <import type='def'/>
to import all definitions from the 'def' type. Note, that if several imported types have some identical local names, they are resolved in order of import statements, i.e. the first one is used.
Scheme alone is not very useful for analysis. It is much more convenient to think about text of a language to be highlighted in terms of regions. When schema matches a piece of text it can assign various parts of this text to different regions. Each <region> defines some meaningful part of the syntax. This part or region always has a name and sometimes a reference to its parent region (if any). When parsed, source text is described as a set of these regions with specified positions and lengths.
Next stage of the text processing associates each region with some handler. A handler, for example, can assign color and font style information to each of the regions or apply other operations to these structures.
Each region is defined using a <region> element:
Definition of basic syntax region - text range with assigned syntax meaning. Later, these regions can be mapped into required color information and displayed on screen.
Attribute: name, type: xs:NCName
HRC Region name.
Attribute: parent, type: QName
Region's parent reference. If region has parent, its properties can be inherited from this one. Also region inheritance creates tree structure of HRC Regions.
Attribute: description, type: xs:string
Optional description, used to represent region's purpose and to show it to user in convenient and friendly way.
During parsing process each element in a scheme not only creates one or more syntax <region>s used to highlight parsed text. Resulting information also contains a recursive scheme tree showing overall text structure.
Each type may define as many schemes as needed provided that all their names are unique within the type. Scheme is defined using <scheme> element:
HRC scheme is a basic unit, which represents some fixed set of lexemes, tokens and syntax regions (lexical context). Each time at any position in the text only one schema is active. Its content is applied to the current text position. When the text parsing process starts, the scheme is used whose name equals the name of the corresponding type (the base scheme of the type).
Attribute: name, type: xs:NCName
HRC Scheme name. Unique in this type scope.
Attribute: if, type: xs:NCName
Load and use this scheme's content only if parameter, to which references this attribute is truth. In other case this scheme is used as an empty one.
Attribute: unless, type: xs:NCName
Load and use this scheme's content only if parameter, to which references this attribute is not truth. In other case this scheme is used as an empty one.
Element: annotation
Defines formal documentation for the HRC language elements.
Element: regexp
Regular Expression token.
Element: block
Context switch operator.
Element: keywords
List of tokens with equal properties.
Element: inherit
Scheme inheritance construction.
Every type is required to have one scheme called "base scheme" which is used as an entry point for parsing process of the type. Base scheme is named after its type, i.e. local name of the scheme is equal to the name of the type. Only internal types defined with <package> element can ignore this requirement because they are never used at the top level.
Scheme element may contain if/unless attributes to customize parsing process according to contents of <parameters> definitions in the type of the schema. Parameters can be flexibly changed at runtime by the means of Colorer API. This allows customizing load process and suggesting various language profiles to be chosen by user.
The following sections describe different types of syntax elements, available in the HRC language.
<keywords> is the most simple HRC element used to quickly define words with similar properties and highlight them in a text.
List of tokens with equal properties. Keywords, symbols and so on... These lists are used to make processing of many tokens faster, when it isn't required to use RE to define syntax tokens.
Attribute: ignorecase, default: yes
Match this list of tokens with case sensitive or no.
Attribute: region, type: QName
Region, assigned to this list of tokens. Each token can define its custom region.
Attribute: priority, type: priority, default: low
Priority of any token can be normal and low.
Attribute: worddiv, type: REworddiv
Class of characters, used to search words edges.
Element: word
Keyword tokens - use specified word edges.
Element: symb
Symbol tokens - ignores specified word edges.
Keyword tokens - use specified word edges.
Attribute: name, type: xs:string
Attribute: region, type: QName
A pair of type name and valid XML name.
Symbol tokens - ignores specified word edges.
Attribute: name, type: xs:string
Attribute: region, type: QName
A pair of type name and valid XML name.
Each element in the list may assign its own region or use region of its parent <keywords> element. Symbols never check surrounding characters, while words match only if surrounded by not-word symbols. These word delimiters can be redefined with worddiv attribute of <keywords>.
Regular Expression token.
Attribute: region, type: QName
A pair of type name and valid XML name.
Attribute: priority, type: priority, default: normal
Priority of any token can be normal and low.
Attribute: match, type: REstring
RE syntax
Actual RE is contained within match attribute of <regexp> element. Detailed explanation of Colorer-take5 regular expressions is in Appendix A, Regular Expressions syntax. Each <regexp> can have up to 16 optional attributes named region0, region1, ... regionf where hexadecimal digit corresponds to the part of RE surrounded by round brackets counted from left to right. region0 means whole sequence matched by RE (this can be changed with \m and \M RE metasymbols). The value of each attribute is a name of the syntax region used to highlight text. Regular Expression can also contain named brackets what explicitly specify corresponding syntax region in the form of (?{name} ... ).
Each RE definition can include references to any predefined sequence of RE code. Such references are called entities. Entities are defined in <type> element and have their own qualified namespace. To include entity's value into RE, special syntax of %entityname; is used.
HRC Entity definition. Entities are some form of macro-definitions, they lately can be used in regular expressions syntax to make them simpler. Each entity consists of Entity name and Entity content, which would be substituted into regular expression, when parser finds entity reference. Each entity can be referenced with %entityname; syntax.
Attribute: name, type: xs:NCName
HRC Entity name.
Attribute: value, type: REentity
HRC Entity value, used to substitute entity in RE string.
Each RE has a priority attribute (by default its value is normal). Priority is mainly used to detect errors when closing matching region. When everything within the region is already matched and parser needs to close the block, it applies rule to match closing sequence. If match fails then rule with low priority within the block is tested. This is explained in Section 3.4, “Scheme boundaries and priority”
To define more complex syntax structures and context-free grammar constructions HRC has a special element named <block>.
Context switch operator. Used to switch currently used context into the specified one. Context is switched, if RE pattern, placed in 'start' attribute, is matches. Switched context is closed, when parser finds match of the 'end' RE.
Attribute: start, type: REstring
Regular Expression
Attribute: end, type: REstring
Regular Expression
Attribute: scheme, type: QName
A pair of type name and valid XML name.
Attribute: priority, type: priority, default: normal
Priority of any token can be normal and low.
Attribute: content-priority, type: priority, default: normal
Priority of any token can be normal and low.
Attribute: inner-region, default: no
If set to "yes" then the region of referenced scheme does not include text matched by start/end attributes. I.e. all the block's regions are located outside of the scheme region. By default ("no" value) scheme region wraps start/end tokens of the block and defines background for their own regions.
Element: start, type: blockInner
Alternative style of RE definition.
Element: end, type: blockInner
Alternative style of RE definition.
Alternative style of RE definition. Could be used, when RE is very complex and it is easier to use character (or CDATA) sections to define it.
Attribute: match, type: REstring
RE syntax
Each block has <start> and <end> tags, each with the RE syntax already described. Everything contained within these two marks will be highlighted as a syntax of some other <scheme>, also pointed by this element's attribute. It is also possible to paint the portions of these matched tags. Much like <regexp> element - <block> can contain up to 32 region attributes - region, region00, region01, ... region1f. region0x corresponds to round brackets of <start> tag, region1x is for <end> tag brackets and region attribute contains a name of region to paint the whole block. So it is not necessary to define scheme for assigning region to the whole block, but since scheme is a required attribute there is a stub empty scheme you can use named def:empty
Using <block> element you can switch context between different highlighting schemes. This way it is possible to define a great number of different syntax combinations.
Sometimes a conflict occurs between the rule that closes block (i.e. <end> tag of the <block> element) and a matching rule inside this block. By default the rule inside block always wins. But sometimes rule that closes block should take precedence. For this purpose HRC defines priority attribute for <regexp> and <block> elements. Its default value is "normal", but if it is changed to "low" then Colorer does not take into account this element when resolving conflicts upon exit from inner scheme. I.e. in case of conflict if inner element has lowered priority then <end> tag of the outer <block> element is used. In case of nested <block> tag, priority attribute affects only conflicts with its <start> tag. <end> tag of nested block will always take precedence over the similar <end> tag of enclosing block.
For regular expressions with lowered priority EOL metacharacter $ in case of conflict matches the end of parent block area. This allows to use low priority to highlight syntax errors.
When changed into low it causes all the elements of that scheme to change their priority to low no matter what is the value of their particular priority attribute.
When defining scheme context switch it is possible to set a default region for content of called scheme through region attribute of <block> element. The region will be used as a "background" for all other regions defined in that scheme. It is possible to manage boundaries of this region. Normally the whole scheme's content together with contents of <start> and <end> tokens is included in this default region. Region starts where <start> token starts, and ends where <end> token ends.
Sometimes it is desirable to change this behaviour and handle <start> and <end> tokens (and all the regions they may define) outside of default region of the called scheme. This could be achieved by setting inner-region attribute to "yes" value. When set it tells parser to exclude start/end tokens from default region of called scheme by changing default region boundaries to begin at the end of <start> token and finish just before <end> token area.
Inner region feature could be used to implement special wrapped areas and in general can affect special background color treatment.
Scheme inheritance construction. If one scheme is inherited in another, then the latter scheme takes all the definitions from the former, as it was included directly in place of inherit operator. One scheme can't inherit another, if that scheme is already makes inheritance (even indirect) of the first one.
Attribute: scheme, type: QName
Inherited scheme name.
Element: virtual
Inheritance substitution element.
Inheritance substitution element. While inheriting one scheme in another, it is possible to redefine inner inherited schemes with some others. This can be used to change inherited language behavior.
Attribute: scheme, type: QName
Redefined scheme.
Attribute: subst-scheme, type: QName
Scheme to use instead redefined one.

A. Regular Expressions syntax

All regexps must be in slashes /.../. After the end slash there can be modifiers: Each symbol in RE is sequentially compared with the target string. Everything that doesn't look like metacharacter is a simple character. HRC file is also a valid XML file, therefore quotes in attributes of elements such as <regexp> should be escaped with entities &quot; or ". Other XML entities inside <regexp> are also expanded and should be escaped when needed. For example, to match &amp; sequence with your rule - use &amp;amp; construction.

B. Format of catalog.xml file

Describes all available Colorer Library resources.
Element: hrc-sets
Lists all installed root locations of HRC codes.
Element: hrd-sets
Lists all available HRD sets.
Lists all installed root locations of HRC codes. These locations are loaded when HRC bases are created.
Attribute: log-location, type: xs:string
Path to the default library log file. If missed, there is no logging.
Element: location
Single resource location.
Lists all available HRD sets. Each HRD Entry describes single color scheme, used to represent colored text. Note, that one Entry
Element: hrd, type: hrd-entry
Describes one HRD properties set.
Describes one HRD properties set.
Attribute: class, type: xs:NMTOKEN
HRD class. Currently available 'console', 'rgb' and 'text' classes.
Attribute: name, type: xs:NMTOKEN
Internal name of this set, used to referring from executable codes.
Attribute: description, type: xs:string
User-friendly description of this HRD set.
Element: location
Single resource location.
Single resource location. Path can be relative to the catalog location, or absolute URI with or without URI schema specification.
Attribute: link, type: xs:string
<schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"

  <element name="catalog" type="catalog"/>

  <complexType name="catalog">
      <element name="hrc-sets" type="hrc-sets"/>
      <element name="hrd-sets" type="hrd-sets"/>

  <complexType name="hrc-sets">
      <element name="location" type="location" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <attribute name="log-location" type="xs:string">

  <complexType name="hrd-sets">
      <element name="hrd" type="hrd-entry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

  <complexType name="hrd-entry">
      <element name="location" type="location" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <attribute name="class" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
    <attribute name="description" type="xs:string">

  <complexType name="location">
    <attribute name="link" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

C. Format of HRD color schemes

List of assigns between regions and their external properties. These properties commonly include text decoration parameters, such as color, style, font and so on... Global color layering model can be chosen by the target application, depending on its text presentation style, features and requirements. In general, all transparent colors inherit color value from its parent schema fill color. If the current schema is a top-level, default fore- and back-ground colors are used. Default Colors can be stored in HRD, using standard default region 'def:Text', or can be requested by application from the GUI environment. Note that color properties are requested from Region's parent (in HRC structure) if this region is not declared in HRD. However if region was declared but misses some properties, they are requested from underlying schema fill region which is determined in runtime.
Element: documentation
Human documentation part
Element: assign
Single entry, describes region's properties.
Human documentation part
Single entry, describes region's properties. If an entry is specified more than one time, then the latest definition is used. This allows several HRD files to be processed to complete color description of target HRC regions.
Attribute: name, type: region-name
Full qualified region name (a pair [type:name]). Note, that if region has no HRD properties associations, it inherits properties from its parent. If any of its ancestors has no assigned properties, region visualization must be skipped (it becomes fully transparent).
Attribute: fore, type: color
Foreground color. If missed, transparent color assumed.
Attribute: back, type: color
Background color. If missed, transparent color assumed.
Attribute: style, type: style
Style bits (bold, italic, underline).
Attribute: stext, type: xs:string
Text prefix mapping (foreground).
Attribute: etext, type: xs:string
Text prefix mapping (background).
Attribute: sback, type: xs:string
Text Suffix mapping (foreground).
Attribute: eback, type: xs:string
Text Suffix mapping (background).
It is possible to maintain different HRD files for different languages, or to compile them into one single HRD file. The former allows you to distribute recommended settings with each language, while the latter to unify modification and storage of changed HRD settings within provided UI.
<schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"

  <element name="hrd" type="hrd"/>

  <complexType name="hrd">
      <element name="documentation" type="documentation" minOccurs="0"/>
      <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element name="assign" type="assign"/>

  <complexType name="documentation" mixed="true">
    <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>

  <complexType name="assign">
    <attribute name="name" use="required" type="region-name">
    <attribute name="fore" type="color">
    <attribute name="back" type="color">
    <attribute name="style" type="style">
    <attribute name="stext" type="xs:string">
    <attribute name="etext" type="xs:string">
    <attribute name="sback" type="xs:string">
    <attribute name="eback" type="xs:string">

  <simpleType name="region-name">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <pattern value="\i\c*\:\i\c*"/>

  <simpleType name="color">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <pattern value="#?[\dA-Fa-f]{1,6}"/>

  <simpleType name="style">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <pattern value="\d"/>

D. XML Schema for HRC Language

This XML Schema was automatically generated from the original hrc.xsd source, available at All comments and documentation tags were stripped to achieve more compact format. To use this schema for other than informational purposes use up-to-date version available from the link above.
<schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"

  <simpleType name="REstring">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
      <pattern value="/.*/[ix]*"/>

  <simpleType name="REworddiv">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
      <pattern value="\[.*\]|%.*;"/>

  <simpleType name="REentity">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
      <pattern value=".*"/>

  <simpleType name="REstring-or-null">
    <union memberTypes="REstring">
        <restriction base="xs:string">
          <enumeration value=""/>

  <simpleType name="QName">
    <restriction base="xs:QName">
      <pattern value="(\i\c*:)?\i\c*"/>

  <attributeGroup name="regionX">
    <attribute name="region" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region2" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region3" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region4" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region5" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region6" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region7" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region8" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region9" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="regiona" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="regionb" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="regionc" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="regiond" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="regione" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="regionf" type="QName"/>

  <element name="hrc" type="hrc"/>

  <complexType name="hrc">
      <element name="annotation" type="annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
      <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element name="prototype" type="prototype"/>
        <element name="package" type="package"/>
        <element name="type" type="type"/>
    <attribute name="version" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">

  <complexType name="annotation">
    <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <element name="appinfo">
        <complexType mixed="true">
          <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
      <element name="documentation">
        <complexType mixed="true">
          <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
      <element name="contributors">
        <complexType mixed="true">
          <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

  <complexType name="package">
      <element name="annotation" type="annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
      <element name="location" type="location" minOccurs="0"/>
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
    <attribute name="description" type="xs:string" use="required">
    <attribute name="targetNamespace" type="xs:anyURI">

  <complexType name="prototype">
      <element name="annotation" type="annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
      <element name="location" type="location" minOccurs="0"/>
      <element name="filename" type="filename" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <element name="firstline" type="firstline" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <element name="parameters" type="parameters" minOccurs="0"/>
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
    <attribute name="description" type="xs:string" use="required">
    <attribute name="group" type="xs:Name">
    <attribute name="targetNamespace" type="xs:anyURI">

  <complexType name="location">
    <attribute name="link" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>

  <complexType name="filename">
      <extension base="REstring">
        <attribute name="weight" type="xs:decimal" default="2">

  <complexType name="firstline">
      <extension base="REstring">
        <attribute name="weight" type="xs:decimal" default="1">

  <complexType name="parameters">
    <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <element name="param">
          <attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
          <attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
          <attribute name="description" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>

  <complexType name="type">
    <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <element name="annotation" type="annotation"/>
      <element name="import" type="import"/>
      <element name="region" type="region"/>
      <element name="entity" type="entity"/>
      <element name="scheme" type="scheme"/>
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required">

  <complexType name="scheme">
      <element name="annotation" type="annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
      <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element name="regexp" type="regexp"/>
        <element name="block" type="block"/>
        <element name="keywords" type="keywords"/>
        <element name="inherit" type="inherit"/>
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
    <attribute name="if" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">
    <attribute name="unless" type="xs:NCName" use="optional">

  <complexType name="import">
    <attribute name="type" type="xs:NCName" use="required"/>

  <complexType name="entity">
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
    <attribute name="value" type="REentity" use="required">

  <complexType name="region">
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:NCName" use="required">
    <attribute name="parent" type="QName">
    <attribute name="description" type="xs:string">

  <complexType name="regexp">
      <extension base="blockInner">
        <attribute name="region" type="QName"/>
        <attribute name="priority" type="priority" default="normal"/>

  <simpleType name="priority">
    <restriction base="xs:string">
      <enumeration value="low"/>
      <enumeration value="normal"/>

  <complexType name="block">
    <sequence minOccurs="0">
      <element name="start" type="blockInner"/>
      <element name="end" type="blockInner"/>
    <attribute name="start" type="REstring"/>
    <attribute name="end" type="REstring"/>
    <attribute name="scheme" type="QName" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="priority" type="priority" default="normal"/>
    <attribute name="content-priority" type="priority" default="normal"/>
    <attribute name="inner-region" default="no">
        <restriction base="xs:string">
          <enumeration value="yes"/>
          <enumeration value="no"/>
    <attributeGroup ref="regionXX"/>

  <attributeGroup name="regionXX">
    <attribute name="region" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region00" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region01" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region02" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region03" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region04" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region05" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region06" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region07" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region08" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region09" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0a" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0b" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0c" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0d" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0e" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region0f" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region10" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region11" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region12" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region13" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region14" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region15" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region16" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region17" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region18" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region19" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1a" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1b" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1c" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1d" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1e" type="QName"/>
    <attribute name="region1f" type="QName"/>

  <complexType name="blockInner">
      <extension base="REstring">
        <attributeGroup ref="regionX"/>
        <attribute name="match" type="REstring">

  <complexType name="inherit">
      <element name="virtual" type="virtual" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <attribute name="scheme" type="QName" use="required">

  <complexType name="virtual">
    <attribute name="scheme" type="QName" use="required">
    <attribute name="subst-scheme" type="QName" use="required">

  <complexType name="keywords">
    <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <element name="word" type="word"/>
      <element name="symb" type="symb"/>
    <attribute name="ignorecase" default="yes">
        <restriction base="xs:string">
          <enumeration value="yes"/>
          <enumeration value="no"/>
    <attribute name="region" type="QName">
    <attribute name="priority" type="priority" default="low"/>
    <attribute name="worddiv" type="REworddiv">

  <complexType name="symb">
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="region" type="QName"/>

  <complexType name="word">
    <attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="region" type="QName"/>

E. History of the changes

take5.be5, 26 April 2007 (Anatoly Techtonik)

take5.beta4, 28 April 2005

take5.beta4(draft), 19 February 2005

  • Clarification of <regexp> and <block> regions usage.
  • "Scheme boundaries and priority" explained.
  • "HRC Language Coding Conventions" section was added.